Beer alcoholism is one of the most dangerous types of addiction when compared with the addiction to excessive consumption of vodka and wine. According to statistics, they suffer from it 4 times more often. Most people believe that beer is not only a non-harmful drink, but a healthy one. There is a myth that it promotes health. However, as proved by experts, in the first place with beer alcoholism, the heart muscle is adversely affected. Indeed, this drink contains cobalt, which negatively affects the health of the digestive tract.
The reasons
There are some of the most common reasons a beer friendship begins:
- Family attitudes, rules and norms of consumption, adopted in the family.
- Imitation of successful people, idols.
- The influence of the environment: family, friends, fellow students.
- The availability of beer, its cheapness, a huge selection of varieties in any store within walking distance.
This, of course, is a personal matter for everyone, but think about what attitudes are formed in a teenager by family feasts, gatherings over drinking alcohol? At the same time, we are not talking about families of chronic alcoholics, where everything is sad, we are talking about ordinary families and holidays: New Year, March 8, anniversaries of loved ones. Let’s be objective – usually on this day, 2-3 bottles of alcohol are drunk at the table. A teenager’s feast begins to be associated with joy, communication, celebration, friends, adulthood and, in parallel, with alcohol. As the NLP techniques would say, powerful anchors are created: “joy-alcohol”, “friendship-alcohol”, “being an adult-alcohol” and so on. We do not accuse anyone of anything, but do you want to replenish the army of alcoholics that already exists in our country? But often parents themselves offer the first glasses to their children: champagne for the New Year, wine for a birthday, beer at a picnic, positioning them as non-hazardous, light drinks.
Even if you in your family decided not to show this example to the child, then it is still worth considering how to protect him outside the home. After all, he can try beer or other drinks in the company of his peers in order to be like everyone else, not to stand out. In this case, prevention in the form of educational conversations can be useful, both in the family circle and in schools and colleges.
The harm of beer addiction
The harm of beer to the human body is very extensive:
- cells die in the human brain (which then enter the human bloodstream, are filtered out by the kidneys and leave naturally in the urine),
- myocardial dystrophy,
- dysfunction of the spinal cord,
- hepatitis,
- cirrhosis of the liver,
- pancreatitis,
- neuropathy,
- gastritis,
- damage to the auditory and visual analyzers.
People with beer alcoholism end up in hospitals in a severely neglected state, most often with a decrease in personal assessment and severe dementia. Narcologists are sure that alcohol is the most aggressive of all drugs, and beer alcoholism can be characterized by particular cruelty. This, as a rule, explains the end of drinking beer with fights, rape, murder and robbery. These are the consequences of beer alcoholism.
The harm of beer for men
The beer contains female hormones. Therefore, men who prefer this alcoholic drink should use it with extreme caution. This beer addiction inevitably leads to decreased sperm production and impotence.
Unpleasant companions of regular beer drinking are a rounded belly and a feminine shape of a man’s figure.
Beer alcoholism in men leads to many problems:
Diseases of internal organs and the whole body develop (pancreatitis, diabetes, gout, muscle atrophy, renal failure).
The presence of phytoestrogens in beer disrupts the functioning of the reproductive system, reconfigures the hormonal balance in the body, as a result of which the man gradually swells, his body becomes effeminate, and the sexual function gradually fades away. The production of the male sex hormone methyltestosterone is inhibited, the production of its own sex hormones slows down.
The constant use of alcohol leads to dementia, encephalopathy, epilepsy, neurasthenia.
The more a person drinks, the more the protective mechanism of the digestive tract organs, which work for wear and tear, is activated. Resources are depleted, a precancerous condition occurs, gastritis and ulcers develop.
Fatty hepatosis develops, the liver increases in size, and a person may not even know about the changes taking place. To detect a problem, you need to undergo an examination, but an alcoholic can decide on this only as directed by a doctor.
The liver tissue degenerates, which causes excess fluid accumulation in the body (ascites), and fat and water accumulate most often in the abdomen.
The harm of beer for women
Drinking beer is even contraindicated for the beautiful half of humanity. Long-term use of this intoxicating drink can lead a woman’s body to infertility.
The weaker sex is more prone to addiction to beer, and the treatment of this addiction is much more difficult.
Symptoms of female alcoholism.
Suppression of fertility. Hormonal disruption, diseases of the female genital area up to infertility. The epithelium becomes thicker, problems with conception, and the risk of breast cancer increases.
A striking symptom of female beer alcoholism is disproportionately thin legs and arms, accumulation of fat around the waist.
Grayish skin, the appearance of red streaks on the face.
Male-type hirsutism (antennae, abdominal hair, hoarse voice).
Teeth crumbling and darkening.
Hair turns gray and tangled, salty. They look unkempt.
The presence of fermentation products in beer affects the mental state: a woman is either depressed, lethargic, inhibited, or overexcited, hyperactive.
Cough, expectoration, watery eyes, nasal discharge, stuffy nose and throat, sore throat.
Dementia develops, intelligence decreases.
The harm of beer for teens
Symptoms of beer addiction in adolescents:
- A sharp decline in academic performance;
- Sudden bouts of aggression and irritation;
- Cheating to parents or teachers;
- Late returns home;
- Bad breath;
- Closure, silence.
Symptoms of alcoholism will be approximately the same when using strong alcoholic or weak intoxicated drinks. And in fact, and in another case, the dependence will manifest itself not only on the physical, but also on the psychological level. Therefore, the coding for beer alcoholism will only help with an integrated approach.
Psychological dependence manifests itself in the habit of a certain ritual. And here one cannot do without the help of an experienced psychotherapist or psychiatrist, since it is extremely difficult to change stereotypes and “programs” of behavior over the years. Coding from beer alcoholism necessarily includes the process of replacing one habit with another, or motivation by fear for one’s health. For example, a patient may change their daily routine so that in the evenings they do not sit in front of the TV with another bottle, but go for a walk or go to the gym. Alternatively, an addicted person can undergo a comprehensive medical examination in order to set a goal for himself to return all indicators to normal within a certain time (pressure, hormones, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, etc.).
Physical dependence is manifested in the fact that the body is no longer able to process the decay products of ethyl alcohol, and therefore alcoholic toxins are incorporated into all metabolic processes.
Features of the disease
The course of this type of dependence has its own characteristics:
Regular consumption of beer is more typical for the young population, which is facilitated by advertising and current trends in behavior in society. The result is the emergence of addiction in adolescents. Treatment of addiction in adolescents is often much more difficult than in adults. This is due to the unformed nervous system and unstable psyche of young people.
A frivolous attitude to the problem, unwillingness to see signs of dependence in oneself leads to the fact that a person turns for help only when a pronounced social degradation sets in.
The disease is diagnosed more often in men than in women, which is more likely associated with a model of behavior in society, and not with any physiological factors. Female beer alcoholism can be called a rarity, while beer alcoholism in men is ubiquitous and quite common.
The rate of intoxication and alcohol intoxication when drinking beer is much lower than when drinking vodka or other strong alcohol. This minimizes negative symptoms, which further reinforces the psychological addiction.
Against the background of constant use of large doses, in addition to a hangover and the formation of addiction, the risk of developing colon cancer and the appearance of “beer heart syndrome”, which carries functional disorders of the heart muscle, increases.
Convincing a person who drinks a bottle of beer every day that he is addicted is difficult. The arguments for refusal will be weighty: I am not drunk, I work, bring money, drink a bottle and rest. Therefore, to contact a specialist, either a weighty reason is required, for example, some kind of health problem (abdominal pain, nausea, interruptions in the work of the heart, convulsions), or a firm position of a relative (for example, insist on going to the doctor under the pretext of family consultation, threats of divorce, etc.).
Treatment is carried out as in alcohol addiction, but has its own characteristics. Since with beer addiction there is a greater percentage of mental disorders (irritability, depression, neuroses and psychosis), clinical psychologists and psychiatrists are actively involved in treatment. Due to the large number of somatic complications (damage to the liver, pancreas, heart, endocrine glands), there is almost always a therapeutic component in therapy aimed at their restoration: diet, physiotherapy, pharmacotherapy.
In our clinic, we use methods of treating beer alcoholism, which allow us to reduce and remove the craving for drinking beer, to restore impaired body functions.