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A very important

Drug addiction is a disease, a consequence of certain reasons that are inside the person himself. Therefore, it is almost impossible to get rid of addiction simply by removing withdrawal symptoms.


Treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism in the clinic “MaaVaR”


Clinic “MaaVaR” uses in its work new methods – innovative technologies, and presents a new look at the topic of rehabilitation and treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism.

Clinic “MaaVaR” has created rehabilitation technologies that are unique in their accuracy and efficiency. They are based on natural processes of consciousness.

Drug addiction and alcoholism can be treated only by reaching higher levels of awareness. MVR-Steps is a proven program that has proven itself and is the optimal way out to completely different levels of being, where recovery from drug addiction is not only possible, but also leads to development across the entire spectrum of life.


Everyone wants to be free, but not everyone is free. People who are addicted to chemicals, the thinking process is organized incorrectly, therefore, – a distorted worldview and a corresponding way of life.

Experienced specialists, a psychiatrist-narcologist, instructors will accompany the addict and support him at all stages of rehabilitation (physical, psychological, mental).

The task of the MaaVaR center is to provide the client with the opportunity and conditions for building a new, high-quality lifestyle without chemical and psychoactive substances.

In “MaaVaR – Clinic” – for a long time, a certain approach and techniques have been successfully practiced and used that bring a person to the causal level – a completely different level of perception of consciousness.

MVR Steps allow a person to achieve the highest possible results. And this, in turn, has a fruitful effect on all spheres of a person’s life, and leads him to success in all directions.


Addiction is degradation. Liberation from addiction is development.


Diagnostics, study and exit from any type of addiction (alcoholic, drug, gambling addiction and codependency)


The clinic employs a professional team with many years of experience. We have a multidisciplinary staff that allows both a group and an individual approach that has no analogues. Medical diagnostics, work with psychological, psychiatric and physical diseases and disorders.

The center is under the supervision of professionals 24 hours a day.

We are based on the following statement: there is a direct and defining connection between the state of consciousness of a person and what is happening in his life. Clinic “MaaVaR” offers a new perspective for the study and exit from any kind of addiction, as well as ways to achieve the desired results.

We provide an opportunity to change old ideas about the usual way of life.

We are ready to move.
Are you?

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